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Timeless Christmas

I love Christmas and every year I look forward to the day I can deck the halls. I usually have a hard time staying away from buying Christmas decor but this year I decided to keep things simple and use what I already have.

I love plants and fresh greenery so I used part of our Christmas tree and cuttings from my cedar tree to create a table scape. When it starts to dry out I just cut some more to keep things fresh.

For an added touch I added some pomegranate to bring in some more festivity. I try to rotate these out every two weeks and cut the old ones open to enjoy.

My mom inherited her Grandmother’s china that was passed down to her father. It’s the most elegant China, white with gold trim and well over 100 years old. It’s never gone out of style and I am more then happy to bring it out for these special occasions.

After our house fire these dishes were covered in soot and it was hard to fathom throwing them out with all the family meals that have been consumed on them year after year. Last year for Christmas my husband and I brought the dishes out from the attic and with the help of google found a solution to clean them. Christmas morning I had them all wrapped up in a giant box and gave it to my mom. This meant so much to her because it’s not something replaceable. Once again we to get the joy of bringing these back around for the holidays and keeping this family tradition and heirloom.

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